Tuesday, December 22, 2015

#bifidobacteria, #lactobacilli, #probiotics, #guthealth

My Favorite Yogurt❤️

Maintain a healthy gut, improve your health and immunity, eat MORE yogurt!

There is good and bad bacteria in our guts. Yogurt provides good bacteria in the form of probiotics such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This "good" bacteria improve our immune system thereby keeping us healthy by crowding out the potentially bad bacteria in our colon.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that survive the acidic environment of the GI tract where billions of bacteria reside. 

So if you want to build up your immune system, eat more yogurt with probiotics. I recommend you eat at least one yogurt everyday, as you need to replenish often. With consistent use, the potential to ward off various diseases including cancer, heart disease and maybe even obesity increases. 

Remember, Eat Well, Be FIT ~ 1FITRD

Brooklyn BRED #❤️

So I accidentally came upon the most wonderfully delicious pizza crust, which can be used for sandwiches too; no really it says so right on the package. 

It has a pure and rich earthy taste that is simply tantalizing on the pallet thanks to the ancient grains.

It is made with 100% organic khorasan wheat aka kamut. Kamut has a natural sweet taste, has more protein than wheat, and is high in selenium. Selenium is a trace element with antioxidant benefits so it helps to protect the body from oxidative stress and infection, amongst other benefits. 

It is made "only with non-GMO ingredients," stated on the package. L❤️ve that!

I enjoy brushing it with olive oil, topping it with fresh mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, and arugula for an amazing burst of flavor  as well as health benefits. 

Important Note: It does have 280 mg sodium per serving so it is just below the 300 mg of sodium per serving normally recommended for someone who has hypertension. My advice, use toppings with little to no sodium. 

Serving size is 1/4 crust @ 25 grams carbohydrate, equals 1-1/2 servings of carbs per serving. 

Finally, I am particularly partial to the fact that it is "Brooklyn Bred," pun intended; because I happen to be from Brooklyn. 

I hope you have the opportunity to find it at your local grocer. If you do, let me know what you think.

As always, Remember to Eat Well & Be FIT ~ 1FITRD. 

#Omega-3, #hearthealthy, "decrease inflammation ~ look younger"

Awesome Polyunsaturated Fat:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: manufactured in the body, derived from linoleic acid. 

NOTE: EPA and DHA are both omega-3 fatty acids as well as alpha linoleic acid. So there are three types of Omega-3's. 

A main source of DHA and EPA is fatty, cold water fish such as tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines, cod, and the all popular salmon. Alpha linoleic acid can be found in certain vegetable oils (canola or soybean)  nuts, seeds and other soy products. DHA and EPA are the best when it comes to heart health protection. 

It has been determined through research that omega-3 fatty acids can help lower cholesterol when coupled with a heart healthy diet. As a result, it reduces your risk of heart disease. 

Tip: flaxseed oil is very high in omega-3 but it should be ground up for optimal benefit. The body does not digest the fat in whole flaxseeds which defeats the purpose. 

It is best to eat fatty fish two times weekly (4-ounce servings) for optimal results.

Fish oil supplements should provide 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids from EPA and DHA combined. 

Remember: Eat Well, Be FIT~1FITrd

Monday, December 21, 2015

#glowingskin, #vitaminC, #beautifulskin, #fountainofyouth

ACTIONS:  Antioxidants help the body trap and get rid of free radicals that can cause damage to the human body, including the skin.

GOOD FOR:  Vitamin C helps to keep skin looking younger by giving skin its’ elasticity and by reducing the amount of so-called free radical damage that occurs from sun exposure by neutralizing them. Damage from the sun includes wrinkles and age spots.

The active form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is water-soluble and is an essential vitamin, which means that we must get it from the foods we eat or from supplements.

RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance):              
Women 19 years and older – 75 mg
Pregnant women 19 years and older – 85 mg
Breastfeeding women 19 years and older – 120 mg
Women between 14 and 18 years – 65 mg

My favorite food sources: per serving in milligrams (mg)   

  • Red pepper raw, sweet ½ cup (95)
  • Orange juice, ¾ cup (93)
  • Papaya, 1 cup (88.3)
  • Orange, 1 medium (70)
  • Kiwi, 1 medium (64)
  • Green pepper raw, sweet ½ cup (60)
  • Broccoli, cooked ½ cup (51)
  • Broccoli, raw ½ cup (48)
  • Brussel sprouts, cooked ½ cup (48)

TOXICITY: Low risk

BOTTOM LINE: Eat more fruits and vegetables, which tend to be rich in vitamin C and along with vitamin E (#vitaminE, #beautifulskin), you too can have beautiful, glowing skin.

Remember Eat Well & Be Fit 

Nutrient Data Source: http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods

ALA Omega-3

Per the package, "this granola contains 0.7 grams of ALA Omega-3 per serving." 

Alpha-linolenic acid ("ALA") is an essential fatty acid that is necessary for growth and development and is found mainly in plants, nuts, seeds, soy, and in fish oil containing docosahexaeonic acid ("DHA") and eicosapentaenoic acid ("EPA"). 

DHA and EPA help to suppress cardiac arrhythmias, decrease serum triglycerides, decrease risk of thrombosis, lower blood pressure, and reduce risk of death by heart attack and is found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, as well as in fish oil supplements. 

To get the recommended amount of ALA Omega-3, which is 0.6 to 1.2 percent of total calories, consuming two fatty fish meals per week is recommended. 

Remember to Eat Well & Be FIT with 1FITRD. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

#beautifulskin #vitaminE

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help to get rid of free radicals that cause damage to the human body including the skin. 

Vitamin E helps to keep skin healthy by preventing inflammation and skin damage from the sun.

Alpha-tocopherol is the absorbable form of vitamin E. Deficiency is not common and more likely in premature infants. However, in the rare case of deficiency, it may likely show up as hemolytic anemia, which is the inability of the bone marrow to adequately produce oxygen-rich red blood cells. 

RDA for women and men 14 years or older is 15 mg. Important to note, vitamin E is the least toxic of the fat-soluble vitamins. However, it is better to get what you need from food sources as no benefit has been shown from supplements.  

My favorite sources of vitamin E:
Olive oil (1 tablespoon = 1.94 mg)
Wheat germ oil (1 teaspoon = 6.72 mg)
Spinach (1 cup = 0.6 mg)
Kale (1 cup = 0.25 mg)
Swiss Chard (1 cup = 0.68 mg)
Sunflower seeds (1 ounce = 9.3 mg)
*almonds (1 = 0.31 mg)
*hazelnuts (10  = 2.10 mg)
Other nuts have vitamin E but these are my favorites.
Orange and yellow vegetables
*sweet potato (1 cup cubed = 0.35 mg)
*carrot (1 cup chopped = 0.84 mg)
*pumpkin (1 cup cubed = 1.23 mg)
Fruits, especially tropical fruit
*mango (1 cup chopped = 1.48 mg)
Whole grains
*quinoa (1 cup = 1.17 mg)
*rye (1 cup = 1.44 mg)

This list is not extensive but it is a list of my favorite foods that happen to be good sources of vitamin E. 

Remember Eat Well & Be Fit

Nutrient data source: nbd.nal.usda.gov

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Exercise2Find Motivation

Many people think that they must first be motivated to exercise before they actually feel like exercising. What they fail to recognize is that exercise is the motivation they need to exercise. First you gotta do it and then you will feel motivated to continue doing it. 

Today I taught a one-hour outdoor Bootcamp class and after the class I got a few text messages from participants, which reminded me of how much I love to help others find the motivation they need to exercise. One message read "thank you Evelyn, I feel great" and another message read "class was great, I loved it." From jumping rope to power-walking to tabata exercise challenges these participants were 100% engaged, having fun, and are now motivated to exercise again. In fact, one participant who is completely new to exercise has recently joined a gym and decided to do so after her very first exercise session with me. 

The point is this ~ if you do not exercise at least 3-days per week and are waiting for the motivation to actually do it, it is not going to magically appear. You gotta actually start moving and the motivation to exercise will begin to emerge and get stronger with each bout of exercise. 

Tip No. 1 ~ find an activity you enjoy doing such as swimming, cycling (indoor or out), I happen to love indoor cycling, power walking, jumping rope, dancing, etc.. The more you like doing something the more likely you are to continue doing it.

Tip No. 2 - as soon as the thought to exercise hits you, change into workout clothes, put on your sneakers and do it. If you wait more than 5 minutes you may talk yourself out of it or find something else to do like sit on the couch and watch TV. 

Tip No. 3 - find a workout buddy. Exercise is always more fun, usually, when you do it with someone else. Besides, a buddy can provide that extra motivation you need. 

Bottom line ~ if you are always waiting for just the right motivation to exercise, you may never find it. Just do it and your reward will be the motivation to do it again and again. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

#fabulousindependenttough, #mama

The many challenges of single-motherhood have taught me to rely on my female intuitive nature to do what I thought was best and right for my children. I've pushed through the hard times and became stronger as a result. Before I became a single-parent, I knew it would be hard; but my resiliency would not let me settle for a marriage that was not working on any kind of level. I decided that in order for me to endure the challenges of being a single-parent, I had to become a hard-hitting and robust mama. I put myself through school while working two and sometimes three jobs. I went to school full time, I might add.  I've developed the keen ability to take challenges and turn them into positive learning experiences for myself and my children. I've been able to maintain my vigorous and healthful outlook on life. I continue to workout everyday. No challenge is too big for me to handle and no challenge will ever make me surrender to it. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

You are important

Women are natural born nurturers; however, in the process, they sometimes forget to nurture themselves and often times take care of others at their own expense. 

Although I am a single mom, I know and understand the importance of taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally; if I don't, I'm no good to anyone. I make sure that I exercise everyday 30 minutes to 1-hour depending on the day otherwise my energy levels suffer. I meditate daily, sometimes for 5 minutes and sometimes for 15 minutes; but without it I don't feel centered. I read a lot because I enjoy learning new things especially as it relates to nutrition and fitness because it allows me to be on top of my game. 

Making sure that I make my own well-being a top priority is essential because I know that when I take care of myself, I am better able to take care of my family. Therefore, I give myself permission to take care of myself first. 

My Prescription Is This: 

1. Workout for a minimum of 5 days per week and for at least 30 minutes but more if possible. Also, it is important to do cardio at least 3 days out of the 5 and work in the aerobic zone 65-85% of maximum heart rate. For help figuring that out email me at info@1fitrd.com. Weight training is also important making sure that you work every muscle group at least twice per week. I will be creating 10 minute weight training videos on YOUTUBE very soon. Please stay tuned.  

2. Omvana is a nice APP where you can find some very nice meditation gurus who will lead you in the right direction, so to speak. It doesn't matter how you meditate, the important thing is that you take the time to focus within and listen to what your inner voice is trying to tell you. 

3. Finally, read more and watch less TV. Your brain, like your muscles, needs to be stimulated; otherwise you risk plateauing - mentally. 

Take away point: Take the time to take care of yourself first ~ because you deserve it and you are worth it. 

Remember, Eat Well & Be FIT

Monday, December 7, 2015


Love this time of year when nuts abound. They are pretty nostalgic for me. Growing up my mom always bought nuts for the Christmas holiday, especially hazelnuts. I remember sitting with a huge pile of hazelnuts and a nutcracker and not stopping until they were all gone. Little did she know how healthy nuts were and still are. My favorite of all the nuts has always been hazelnuts; however, I'm not a fan of Nutella. I prefer raw nuts although I'm not opposed to nuts found in the center of dark chocolate... Yum! Okay great, now I want chocolate. 

Anyway, in approximately 10 hazelnuts this is what you get..

Calories 88 
Total fat 8.50 grams (mostly from cholesterol lowering monounsaturated fat)
Saturated fat 0.625 g (artery clogging)
Monounsaturated fat 6.391 g (lowers LDL -- the bad cholesterol)
Polyunsaturated fat 1.109 g (lowers total cholesterol)
Cholestetol Zero (0)  
Calcium 16 mg (optimizes bone/teeth health)
Iron 0.66 g (important for oxygen transport)
Magnesium 23 mg (important for muscle and nerve function)
Phosphorus 41 mg (important for bones and teeth health)
Potassium 95 mg (important for heart function and muscle contraction)
Zinc 0.34 mg (enhances immune system to keep us healthy)
Vitamin E 2.10 mg (antioxidant and helps the body use vitamin K)
Vitamin K 2.0 (international units (important for blood clotting)

So next time you are in the supermarket, don't forget your nuts -- especially your hazelnuts!

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20, 2007


Sunday, December 6, 2015

No Freakin FEAR

Fear fuels my fire. I am not intimidated!  When I'm confronted by fear something gets stirred up deep inside of me that forces me to forge ahead. I use it as fuel to take myself to the next level, mentally, emotionally, or physically. You see, I see fear as natures way of forcing us to think outside of the box, to do things different. Sometimes we question the validity and possibility of that forward thinking idea. 

For example, I kept wondering how I would be able to make outdoor Bootcamp classes appealing yet affordable for this group of women I know. I questioned whether any of them would even be interested. I almost talked myself out of offering it at all but then I offered it to one woman who immediately said yes. I then invited a handful of others who also said yes and they invited other people who asked me if they could join and it is now growing everyday. I am now creating an exercise and nutrition journal chock full of tips, ideas and challenges along with other incentives for the program.

So you see, when fear surfaces you have to get creative and DO WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU ARE AFRAID OF DOING -- without worrying about criticism or risk of failure. There is no such thing as failure for having tried. That's called an attempt at success. Take a deep breath and try again.. Immediately! Fear is the energy that has ignited many dreams.  It is through uncertainty that opportunities surface and people grow. If you are too comfortable where you are you risk settling down and staying there. We need fear! So don't let uncertainty or fear stunt your growth. Acknowledge the fear and then, forge ahead and go after that fear with a vengeance. Blow by blow you will ameliorate fear! 

If you are afraid of joining the gym because you worry about what other people may think about you for doing so, do it anyway. If you are intimidated by the gym hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer will familiarize you with the equipment and design a workout plan that's right for you. Don't be sold however; find a trainer that matches your style and personality. Some gyms will assign a trainer to you but if you do not think it is a good match you have the right to ask for another. If you need to lose weight and have been hiding behind your weight as the funny one, or nice one, LOSE WEIGHT ANYWAY! Let people see you for who you really are and stop hiding behind your weight. The point is, you cannot let fear stand in your way. Use it as a stepping stone to get you to your goal or destiny. Step by step you will be saying HASTA LA VISTA BABY - no more fear. 

Remember to Eat Well & Be FIT

Saturday, December 5, 2015

That Strength from Within

Exercise makes everything better. I can go into the whole endorphins thing but the truth is, that's played out. 

How about something as simple as your body was meant to move otherwise you risk the chance of becoming stagnated where you are and if where you are is where you want to be then by all means keep doing what you are doing or not doing -- but if you want increased energy, the ability to maintain focus longer, to be happier and to have an overall better outlook on life then you cannot overlook exercise. It's not always easy to motivate yourself to do it but if you wait until a doctor tells you that you should exercise more then it may be too late to make a real big difference in your health. Prevention is key. Do it now because tomorrow is not a guarantee and neither is continued health. 

Eat Well & Be Fit with 1FITRD

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Low Glycemic Index Pasta

Durum wheat semolina pasta is my absolute favorite pasta. It is low on the glycemic index since it is low in starch and has a high protein content, which makes it very filling. If you prepare it with olive oil you add more nutritional value. The pasta itself has an ivory color bordering yellow. 

If you are lucky enough to have an Aldi market near your home they actually sell a really good organic durum wheat semolina fettuccini. 

So go ahead and enjoy pasta again. Top it with your favorite organic sauce and a side of non-starchy vegetables like steamed broccoli or fresh green beans to complete the meal. 

Remember to Eat Well & Be FIT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Live a stress-free life, EXERCISE

I have raised two daughters on my own, bought my own home, put myself through school and became a registered dietitian while working two jobs. I've always been a strong-willed and determined individual and usually don't let anything stand in the way of my goals, but nothing, and I mean nothing,  prepared me for the stress of being a single mom while going to school full-time, and working one full-time and one part-time job more than EXERCISE has. Granted the part-time job involved me teaching exercise classes; but it still required me to be someplace other than home after I got home from my full-time job, which leads me to this. 

If I found and continue to find time to exercise, then SO CAN YOU! It's about priorities. If it's important to you then you will not make ANY excuses and you will find a way to get it done no matter what. If I did not exercise, I don't think I would have been able to accomplish half of what I have been able to accomplish. Exercise is the gift that keeps on giving even after you've stopped exercising. Increased energy, a more positive outlook on life, muscular strength and endurance, which gives you the confidence you need when you don't think you can go on, and so much more. 

So please stop making excuses because life is too short for that and make time for exercise as if your entire life depends on it - because it does. 

Remember, Eat Well & Be FIT -- everyday and live your best life yet!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Find a Workout Buddy

So I teach this boot camp class with mostly novice exercise participants. The beauty of this boot camp is that they are all women co-workers and hold each other accountable in a supportive and loving way. What I know to be true is that many women tend to be harder on themselves than on others especially when they make a mistake because they feel that they somehow let others down or themselves down.  The truth is, what you see on television weight loss shows is not realistic for the average individual with a job and families to take of; and therefore, what you see on these shows is not the norm and if you try to do what they do on these shows, you will fail. I TELL THEM IT IS PERFECTLY OKAY TO GET OFF COURSE BUT IT IS NOT OKAY TO STAY OFF COURSE. So if you deviate from your healthy eating plan or exercise regimen get over it as quickly as possible and start again. Persistence sometimes will overrule consistency but with persistence you develop your consistency muscle until you no longer have to worry about your goal because you will have attained it. 

An exercise journal and food diary is one of the best ways I know that a person just embarking on a health and fitness journey can help themselves stay on course. When you keep a record, it is easier to remember what you did or didn’t do that worked or didn’t work. It keeps you focused, on track and it helps you to hold yourself accountable. However, it is good to have a support network to help hold you accountable and motivated when you lose focus so that you do not beat yourself up. 

Remember the key to success in any endeavor is persistence -- and please remember to Eat Well & Be FIT

I Aspire 2Inspire

A participant of my outdoor boot camp class told me that she did not believe others when they told her that exercise was a stress reliever; but after her very first ever exercise class participation with muah, she said she felt an aliveness and energy that made her feel as if she could do anything, and that is why I do what I do. It warms my heart when I inspire others to adopt a healthy lifestyle and I hear how amazing it makes them feel. She is now joining a gym. Like her, you have to experience it for yourself. Let's start by making S.M.A.R.T. choices. 


Instead of "I want to eat better
Be more specific and say "I will cut soda out of my diet" or "I will eat breakfast every morning"

Instead of "I need to get in shape"
Be more specific and say "I will exercise at least 3 days per week for 30 minutes""

Instead of "I should pay more attention to my health"
Be more specific and say "I will keep a food and nutrition journal" 

Remember, Eat Well & Be FIT!