Wednesday, December 9, 2015

You are important

Women are natural born nurturers; however, in the process, they sometimes forget to nurture themselves and often times take care of others at their own expense. 

Although I am a single mom, I know and understand the importance of taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally; if I don't, I'm no good to anyone. I make sure that I exercise everyday 30 minutes to 1-hour depending on the day otherwise my energy levels suffer. I meditate daily, sometimes for 5 minutes and sometimes for 15 minutes; but without it I don't feel centered. I read a lot because I enjoy learning new things especially as it relates to nutrition and fitness because it allows me to be on top of my game. 

Making sure that I make my own well-being a top priority is essential because I know that when I take care of myself, I am better able to take care of my family. Therefore, I give myself permission to take care of myself first. 

My Prescription Is This: 

1. Workout for a minimum of 5 days per week and for at least 30 minutes but more if possible. Also, it is important to do cardio at least 3 days out of the 5 and work in the aerobic zone 65-85% of maximum heart rate. For help figuring that out email me at Weight training is also important making sure that you work every muscle group at least twice per week. I will be creating 10 minute weight training videos on YOUTUBE very soon. Please stay tuned.  

2. Omvana is a nice APP where you can find some very nice meditation gurus who will lead you in the right direction, so to speak. It doesn't matter how you meditate, the important thing is that you take the time to focus within and listen to what your inner voice is trying to tell you. 

3. Finally, read more and watch less TV. Your brain, like your muscles, needs to be stimulated; otherwise you risk plateauing - mentally. 

Take away point: Take the time to take care of yourself first ~ because you deserve it and you are worth it. 

Remember, Eat Well & Be FIT

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